Dental Implants: Stains, Whitenings and Other Considerations
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Dental Implants: Stains, Whitenings and Other Considerations

Dental implants can make a smile look fabulous – I know I have them. However, if you are just thinking about getting them, you may have a lot of questions. You may be wondering how smoking affects implants, whether or not wine will stain them, if they can be whitened or other concerns. I also know from experience that it can be intimidating to ask some of these questions to your dentist. In my dental implant blog, I am going to answer the questions that can be hard to ask. I hope you find the info you need in this blog and that it guides you to the right decision about dental implants. Thanks for reading!

Dental Implants: Stains, Whitenings and Other Considerations

Frequently Asked Questions About Sedation Dentists

Isobel Berry

Many people don't like visiting the dentist, even though it's vital for good oral health. The reason most often cited for this aversion is the fear of pain and the awareness that pain is imminent. If you have this kind of fear about a dentist, then a sedation dentist may be a consideration. A sedation dentist is a professional who is trained to provide sedation so that you can undergo dental procedures in a more relaxed, stress-free environment. Here are the answers to questions you might have about these types of dentists.

Are You a Candidate for Sedation? 

If you have a persistent fear of going to the dentist, or have had a very bad experience at the dentist's office that caused you to never return, or your teeth are difficult to get numb, then you are an ideal candidate for sedation dentistry. This type of dentistry isn't for someone who just doesn't like going to the dentist, but is designed for those with real, consistent fears and phobias that are preventing them from visiting a dentist. If you meet this criteria, you are a prime candidate.

What Type of Sedation Do Dentists Use?

This varies depending on the dentist you choose, but typically, a sedation dentist will use conscious sedation, which means that you are still awake while sedated, but you are in such a relaxed state that you won't be aware of the dental procedure. This sedation is done with nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas.

Some sedation dentists also use a pill that is similar to Valium that greatly relaxes your entire body and achieves the same result as nitrous oxide. In rare cases, general anesthesia is used, but because this requires the presence of an anesthesiologist, it is a very expensive sedation method and only used in extreme cases.

Will Things Go Quicker With Sedation? 

In most cases, dental work that is done with sedation goes faster because the dentist only has to wait a very short time for the sedation to take effect. With traditional numbing of the gums, the dentist has to wait until your teeth are totally numb, and that may require several injections before the numbness is achieved. And most sedation doesn't require needles, so there's no pain involved with the actual preparation for the dental procedure.

Will Insurance Cover Sedation? 

Unfortunately, most dental insurers don't cover the costs associated with sedation dentistry. They will cover the actual dental procedure, but any fees that arise from the actual sedation will be considered non-essential, and you will have to pay those on your own. There are exceptions, especially in instances in which the procedure is so complex and painful that sedation is the only option.

In those cases, the sedation dentist's administrator will preauthorize the sedation on your behalf, by contacting your dental insurance company. Talk to a dentist in your area for more information about paying for dental expenses.
