Dental Implants: Stains, Whitenings and Other Considerations
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Dental Implants: Stains, Whitenings and Other Considerations

Dental implants can make a smile look fabulous – I know I have them. However, if you are just thinking about getting them, you may have a lot of questions. You may be wondering how smoking affects implants, whether or not wine will stain them, if they can be whitened or other concerns. I also know from experience that it can be intimidating to ask some of these questions to your dentist. In my dental implant blog, I am going to answer the questions that can be hard to ask. I hope you find the info you need in this blog and that it guides you to the right decision about dental implants. Thanks for reading!

Dental Implants: Stains, Whitenings and Other Considerations

Taking Care of Your Toothbrush: 4 Tips

Isobel Berry

Many people do not realise how important it is to take care of their toothbrushes. If not taken care of, a toothbrush can become a breeding ground for bacteria. Here are four tips on how to take care of your toothbrush. 

1. Rinse your toothbrush before and after use

It is important to rinse your toothbrush after each use to remove any plaque or bacteria that may be on the bristles. Plaque is a sticky substance that clings to your teeth and can cause cavities. Bacteria are tiny organisms that can cause infections. Rinsing your toothbrush will help to remove these substances from your brush so that you do not re-infect yourself when you brush your teeth again.

2. Keep your toothbrush in an upright position

It is important to make sure the bristles on your toothbrush are dry. Wet bristles are a breeding ground for bacteria and can quickly lead to an infection if they're not allowed to dry out completely between uses. The best way to ensure that your toothbrush bristles stay dry is to store it in an upright position. This allows air to circulate around the bristles and prevents water from pooling at the base of the brush.

3. Do not share your toothbrush with anyone else

When two people share a toothbrush, there is a very real risk of transferring these harmful substances from one person to the other. In addition, sharing a toothbrush can also lead to the spread of viruses, such as the flu and the common cold. For these reasons, it is always best to keep your toothbrush to yourself and avoid sharing it with others.

4. Replace your toothbrush

A toothbrush can only be effective if it is in good condition. Over time, the bristles of a toothbrush will become frayed and worn, making it less effective at cleaning teeth. In addition, a worn toothbrush can actually damage gums, causing irritation and inflammation. For these reasons, the Australian Dental Association recommends that you consider replacing your toothbrush every three months. If the bristles show signs of wear before the three months are up, you may wish to replace your toothbrush sooner.


A dirty or poorly maintained toothbrush can lead to gum disease, cavities, and bad breath. By following the tips above, you can help ensure that your toothbrush stays clean and in good condition. For further advice about maintaining your dental health, contact your dentist today.
