Dental Implants: Stains, Whitenings and Other Considerations
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Dental Implants: Stains, Whitenings and Other Considerations

Dental implants can make a smile look fabulous – I know I have them. However, if you are just thinking about getting them, you may have a lot of questions. You may be wondering how smoking affects implants, whether or not wine will stain them, if they can be whitened or other concerns. I also know from experience that it can be intimidating to ask some of these questions to your dentist. In my dental implant blog, I am going to answer the questions that can be hard to ask. I hope you find the info you need in this blog and that it guides you to the right decision about dental implants. Thanks for reading!

Dental Implants: Stains, Whitenings and Other Considerations

Cosmetic Dentistry Tips: Ways to Preserve Your Dental Restorations

Isobel Berry

Cosmetic dentistry procedures can help restore a beautiful smile by fixing chipped, misaligned, crooked, and missing teeth among other dental issues. If you have undergone any procedures to place implants, dental crowns, veneers, or any other cosmetic restorations, it is essential to preserve them. These restorations can be quite costly, and preserving them not only maintains the appearance of your teeth but also protects your investment. Here are some tips and measures you can take to preserve cosmetic dentistry restorations and keep them healthy.

Practice proper dental hygiene

Just because you have artificial restorations doesn't mean that you shouldn't practice good dental hygiene. The remaining natural teeth and the tissues surrounding your dental restorations can be affected by poor oral hygiene practices. You may end up suffering from dental caries or gum disease if you don't keep your mouth free from food debris which can cause the build-up of plaque. Invest in a quality toothbrush and ensure that you brush your teeth correctly every day. Floss regularly to get rid of food particles that get lodged in between the teeth spaces as well.

Consume healthy foods and drinks

Proper nutrition is not only important for your health, but it can also help in preserving your dental restorations and maintaining their appearance for many years. As such, avoid foods and beverages which can stain your dental restorations. Smoking can stain your restorations and affect the surrounding gums and tissues. Excessive alcohol consumption can dissolve the luting material that holds some restorations such as veneers to the teeth. Also, avoid biting on hard objects as this can cause your restorations to chip or fracture.

Manage bruxism

Bruxism is a condition where one grinds their teeth or clenches the jaw habitually or due to emotional stress or pressure. Some people grind their teeth unawares when sleeping. Bruxism can have adverse effects on dental restorations and natural teeth. With time, it can cause the restorations to wear away. Prolonged bruxism can cause temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as TMJ, which can affect the jaw and muscles of the face. To preserve your dental restorations and health, talk to your dentist about getting a night guard to protect your teeth against the effects of bruxism.

Observe proper maintenance procedures

Some maintenance procedures can be helpful to natural teeth, but they can deteriorate the appearance and functionality of dental restorations. If you are using a new dentist, ensure that they don't use any procedures or treatments that can damage your restorations. For instance, abrasive polishing techniques can roughen the surface of the restorations and make them susceptible to staining. Also, some teeth whitening formulas have acids that can cause damaging effects to dental restorations.

Observe these measures to preserve your cosmetic dentistry restorations and prolong their life. You can consult with your dentist for further recommendations and advice depending on the type of cosmetic dentistry procedures you have undergone.
